Although customers have been deeply rooted in the electronics industry for many years, for the actual quality of PCB judgment, perhaps you hold uncertainty. Our company has been in the PCB industry for more than ten years. Today I would like to talk to you: Which 3 points determine the PCB quality?

Hole wall copper thickness of PCB

Hole wall copper thickness is an essential quality indicator of PCB. Because the conduction of all the board layers depends on it, and this hole copper requires copper plating, which is a very long process and very expensive to produce.

So in a competitive environment, some plants began cutting corners to shorten the copper hole time. In particular, some fast board factories have started to apply a “Conductive adhesive process.” The benefits of this process are high speed and low cost, and the average cost per square meter savings of 5-10usd.

However, one of its fatal flaws is the insufficient thickness of the copper plating. This can be an industry secret, and few people outside the PCB industry know this. The plates made by the conductive adhesive process, copper hole, are thin and uneven, which is desirable if used in consumer products. But if your product has quality requirements, such as needing a long period of electrification and vibration, this must be careful.

PCB board materials

In PCB’s fixed cost, the board material accounted for nearly 30% to 40% of the price, and it is conceivable that some board factories to save costs, in the use of board will cut corners. You know the board material we use, the scientific name: FR-4, is a glass epoxy. The difference between a good FR-4 and a poor FR-4 is as follows:

1. Fire rating. Here is an Open Secret in our industry that some PCB factories in use non-flame-retardant materials. That’s a significant percentage. If you tell me, the price of the 2-layer PCB you bought is below 50USD per square meter. You may take out your lighter and light it. Non-flame-retardant PCBs are ignitable. If non-flame-retardant PCB is used in your product, please consider the risk of consequences before your order.

2. Fibrous layer. Qualified PCB board is at least 5 pieces of glass fiber cloth pressure, which determines the PCB of the breakdown voltage and fire tracking index.

3. Purity of resin. Poor PCB material dust a lot. If the resin is not pure, it is hazardous in multi-layer board applications because the multi-layer board hole is tiny and dense.

PCB Lamination

Check whether a board factory has the strength to do multilayer board professional. You may ask a question: Do you have your lamination machine? At present, many small factories in the market are out of the press. Why? First of all, lamination equipment is costly. Secondly, if it is not professional to do multilayer board manufacturers, they generally choose external pressure.

Lamination is an essential process for multilayer boards. Whether it is the equipment, operation, management, personnel experience, all determine the quality of the press.

A bad lamination can seriously affect 3 matters:
1. Laminates don’t adhere well and are accessible to separate.

2. Impedance value. PP is in the state of flow under high-temperature pressure, and the final product thickness will affect the impedance value of the error.

3. Defective rate. For multilayer PCB boards, the distance from the hole to the inner wire and the copper sheet is only 8 mil or less, and then the lamination level should be tested seriously. If the lamination offset, inner layer offset, drilling hole, there will be a lot of open inner layer of the situation. Then the defective rate will be higher.

For PCB board, appearance, V cut, surface treatment… are not the most critical issues. These are treatable, salvageable quality problems. But the above 3 points are on a PCB board the most vital examination. Please customers to buy board must select good PCB manufacturers.Kindly get in contact with YooProo freely for any PCB quotes.

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